The Eight of Swords in Tarot, often emblematic of restriction, mental bondage, and a feeling of being trapped, delves into the complex emotional landscape where internal conflicts and perceived limitations dominate. Whether appearing upright or reversed, this card reflects the challenges of mental barriers in love and relationships and the journey towards overcoming them.
Upright, the Eight of Swords signifies a state of emotional confinement, where self-imposed restrictions or negative thought patterns hinder one’s ability to express or even understand their true feelings. It represents a period of feeling trapped or powerless, often driven by fear, doubt, or a lack of perspective on the situation at hand.

In its Reversed form, the Eight of Swords suggests a breakthrough or awakening. It indicates a shift from feeling stuck to recognizing one’s power to overcome limitations and fears. This reversal embodies the process of gaining clarity, reclaiming personal power, and breaking free from the mental shackles that have been impeding emotional progress.
Table of Contents
Upright Eight of Swords as Feelings
General Meaning
The Upright Eight of Swords in tarot readings typically symbolizes feelings of restriction, powerlessness, and being trapped, particularly in the context of emotions and relationships. This card often represents a situation where someone feels emotionally confined or unable to see a way out of their current predicament. It suggests a state of mental bondage where negative thoughts or fears may be preventing the person from moving forward or expressing their true feelings.
How They Feel About You
When the Upright Eight of Swords appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it may indicate that they feel trapped or conflicted about the relationship. They might be experiencing internal barriers that prevent them from fully expressing or acting on their feelings. This person could be struggling with self-imposed limitations or fears, leading to a sense of paralysis or indecision in the relationship.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Upright Eight of Swords suggests a period where mental blocks or fears might be hindering the pursuit of love. It indicates a need to overcome self-limiting beliefs or anxieties that are preventing you from forming meaningful connections. In new relationships, this card can symbolize feelings of being trapped or uncertain about how to proceed, advising caution and introspection.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Upright Eight of Swords can signify a phase of feeling stuck or constrained. It may indicate that one or both partners are feeling restricted, either by the relationship itself or by external circumstances. This card encourages finding ways to communicate these feelings and seeking solutions to overcome these emotional barriers.
Old Flame/Ex
Regarding an old flame or an ex, the Upright Eight of Swords might represent unresolved feelings or a sense of being stuck in the past. It can indicate difficulty moving on, suggesting the need to address the underlying issues that are keeping you emotionally bound.
For Those Seeking Love
For those seeking love, the Upright Eight of Swords advises recognizing and challenging the mental and emotional barriers that may be inhibiting your love life. It encourages breaking free from limiting beliefs or fears, allowing yourself the freedom to pursue happiness and open up to new relationships.
Reversed Eight of Swords as Feelings
General Meaning
The Reversed Eight of Swords in tarot readings often suggests a breakthrough or the beginning of liberation from feelings of entrapment and powerlessness. This card reversed indicates a shift in perspective or a newfound ability to overcome mental barriers. It signifies a period of gaining clarity and finding the courage to break free from self-imposed limitations and negative thought patterns.
How They Feel About You
When the Reversed Eight of Swords appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it might suggest that they are starting to overcome their fears or doubts about the relationship. They may be finding ways to break free from their mental constraints and exploring the possibility of openly expressing their feelings for you.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Reversed Eight of Swords indicates a time of overcoming fears and breaking free from self-limiting beliefs. It suggests a newfound confidence in pursuing relationships and a willingness to embrace love without the constraints of past anxieties. In new relationships, this card symbolizes the shedding of inhibitions and the ability to move forward with clarity and openness.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Reversed Eight of Swords can signal a period of overcoming emotional barriers and finding new ways to connect. It may indicate moving past feelings of being stuck or restricted, leading to a more open and fulfilling partnership.
Old Flame/Ex
Reflecting on an old flame or an ex, the Reversed Eight of Swords may highlight a process of letting go and moving past previous emotional entanglements. It suggests finding closure and releasing the hold that past relationships have had on you.
For Those Seeking Love
For those in search of love, the Reversed Eight of Swords brings a message of liberation and empowerment. It encourages breaking away from past limitations and fears, opening yourself up to the possibilities of love and emotional fulfillment with renewed confidence and optimism.
The Eight of Swords in Tarot, both Upright and Reversed, emphasizes the impact of mental and emotional barriers on relationships. Upright, this card urges an awareness of the self-imposed limitations that restrict emotional expression and growth. It highlights the need for introspection and confronting one’s fears to break free from the cycle of mental confinement.
Reversed, the Eight of Swords offers a hopeful message of liberation and empowerment. It encourages overcoming internal barriers, advocating for a newfound sense of clarity and courage. This card reassures that it is possible to move beyond past constraints and embrace a more open and fulfilling emotional life.
Overall, the Eight of Swords calls for a careful examination of the mental barriers that constrain us, while also offering a pathway towards emotional freedom and empowerment.
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